The Process



Click the button on the top right of our website and schedule an appointment today. A representative from our office will call you between 8 AM - 6 PM Monday through Friday to confirm and reserve your spot.


We have three payment options that are flexible and full of value. Pay before your appointment and save, full price on the day of, or enter our payment plan. Review our pricing options here.

COVID-19 Precautions

Only the client will be allowed inside our office to ensure proper social distancing. Special accommodations are available upon request.


All of our staff will be wearing face shields/masks, gloves, and sneeze guards.

Office Safety

We disinfect our office before and after each service. We will provide all our clients with face masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, and disinfecting mats.

What we ask of you

Please protect yourself and our staff by wearing protective equipment while we conduct our services